Allfarthing School

Year 6



 In English, we will be exploring several texts around the theme of ‘Enterprise and Activism’ in spring 1 and ‘Utopia vs Dystopia’ in spring 2. The children will be writing biographies, discussion texts, persuasive campaigns and narratives. We will also continue with our whole-class reading sessions, focusing on vocabulary and comprehension skills.


This term, we will be revisiting long multiplication and scaling, learn the process of long division, and apply our knowledge and skills around area, perimeter, position and direction. We will also continue work on fractions and percentages, solving related problems.


In spring 1, we will be studying evolution and inheritance. We will explore variation and inheritance in different living things and understand how observations and fossil evidence have led to the theory of evolution. In spring 2, we will be looking at circuits, batteries and switches.


At the start of term, we will be exploring AI what it is and how it generates text, images and code as well as creating prompts to refine AI responses. In spring 2 we will look at ‘Big Data’ which is understanding how QR and barcodes are increasingly used in our everyday lives.

Geography Spring 1

This term, we are looking at where our energy comes from. We will be investigating renewable and non-renewable energy, be discussing the benefits and drawbacks of different energy source and understanding how transport links have changed over time.

History Spring 2

This term, we will be looking at the impact of WW2 on the people of Britain. We will look at why Britain went to war, who won the Battle of Britain and understanding what evacuation was like for British children. We will also be looking at the impact of WW2 on women’s lives.

Art & Design Spring 1

This term, we are focusing on a topic named ‘Make our Voices Heard’. We will start by exploring Mayan art to experiment with mark making, consider symbolic imagery and use the drawing technique of Chiaroscuro. The children will then move on to creating street art to ‘Make their Voice Heard’ about something important to them.

DT Spring 2

This term we will be exploring playground structures. Children will create five apparatus designs, applying design criteria to their work. They will adjust these designs after peer evaluations before making rough designs of three different structures from their plans. They will then improve the quality of their rough versions before securing their apparatus to a base and making a range of landscape features.


In spring 1, we will be focusing on safety and the changing body. Children will begin the topic by understanding the reasons some adults decide to drink alcohol and others do not, as well as understanding the changes that take place during puberty. They will then progress on to learning about conception, pregnancy and birth. More information will follow regarding the content of these lessons.

In spring 2, we will be focusing on citizenship. We will explore human rights as well as food choices and the environment. We will then look at prejudice and discrimination before we look at how we can value diversity in our community.


In spring 1, children will explore themes and variations in film music. Children will discuss musical eras in context, identify how they have influenced on each other and discuss the impact of different composers on the development of musical styles. Children will then have the opportunity to understand rhythms and practice musical notation.

In spring 2, our focus is on World War 2. Children will learn the key features of national anthems and will have the opportunity to compose and notate a melody and write lyrics for a verse and chorus. They will also have the chance to refine and perform a piece showing expression and phrasing.


In PE, we will be focusing on fitness and the importance of exercise on our health, including how we can keep fit. The children will also be learning to play basketball, demonstrating the appropriate skills and focusing on good sportsmanship.


In this unit, children will learn to name the planets. They construct sentences using verbs, nouns, and adjectives and qualifying adverbs. They will learn to retrieve information from extended descriptions about the planets, write in accurate Spanish, showing attention to adjectival agreement and demonstrate creativity and imagination in their use of language.


In spring 1, we will answer the questions ‘Why is it better to be there in person?’ Children will explore significant religious and non-religious journeys and pilgrimages and understand why going to a particular place is so important to some people. In spring 2, children will answer the questions ‘why is there suffering?’ which will explore the relationship between religion and suffering.

Trips & Special Events

Please keep an eye on class dojo for forthcoming events.

P.E days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Homework is set on Friday each week, to be handed in on the following Thursday when answers will be published. Spelling tests and arithmetic practice will continue to happen every Friday so please support your child with this. Doodle should be completed so that your child remains in the ‘green zone’ each week and don’t forget about Times Table Rock Stars!