Allfarthing School

Year 6



Our English theme for Autumn 1 is Migration and Movement. We will begin by looking at The Arrival by Shaun Tan which explores the issue of immigration. We will have the opportunities to write diaries, short scripts and narrative passage to describe what is happening at certain points in the book. We will then go on to Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah, which relates to HSS Empire Windrush’s arrival in Britain. Children will have opportunities to write an airmail letter, poetry and a letter to the local council. In Autumn 2, our theme is Evolution and Inheritance. We will begin by looking at The Promise by Nicola Davies where children will build up to write their own sequel. We will then move on to Can we save the tiger? By Martin Jenkins where children will produce a discussion text. Finally, we will read The Hidden Forest by Jeannie Baker where we will write a balanced discussion. Exemplified grammar activities are thread throughout the English units. We will also have daily whole class reading, a weekly spelling test and taught handwriting and spelling sessions to support your child’s literary development.


In maths, we will be further developing the children’s understanding of common structures such as bar and part-whole models, and how these can be beneficial for the solving of a range of arithmetic and worded problems. We will also refresh the children’s knowledge of place value using 7-digit numbers and decimal values. We will continue developing the pupils’ understanding and use of multiples of 1000. Regular maths meetings will supplement all of these areas, where we practise previously taught knowledge and skills.


In Science, we will begin by looking at the classification of animals. Children will look at the work of Carl Linnaeus and then have opportunities to explore each classification group of living things. In Autumn 2, we will look at Light and Reflection. Children will have the opportunity to measure shadows, reflect light and make their own periscope.


We will begin our computing this year by focusing on the work scientists completed at Bletchley Park during WW2 In Autumn 2, children will develop their coding skills using Python software


Our geography learning this term will focus on why population changes. Children will begin by understanding how the global population is hanging and understand key terms e.g. birth rates and death rates. Children will then understand why people migrate before looking at our local area and understanding how population is affecting our environment.


In Autumn 2, we will begin our history learning by focusing what the census tells us about our area. We will then go on to focus on Mary Bucktrout before investigating who used to live in our local area.


This term, with our specialist teacher, Ms Konc, art is focused on photography and how it can be used in different and creative ways. We will look at collage, macro-photography, truisms and more.


Our first DT project will be a textiles one, researching, designing, making and evaluation our own waistcoats.


We will begin by focusing on a unit about ‘dynamics, pitch and texture’ based on Fingal’s Cave by Mendelssohn. Children will appraise the work of Mendelssohn and develop their improvisation and composition skills. In Autumn 2, we will explore film music. Children will identify the characteristics of film music and create a composition and graphic score to perform alongside a film.


In PSHE, we will start by looking at Family and relationships. Children will learn to resolve conflict through negotiation and compromise, about respect and grief. In Autumn 2, we will look at Health and wellbeing. Children will learn about diet, oral hygiene, physical activity and the facts around immunisation.


In Spanish, the children will learn to describe seasons using a poem, La Primavera, and the music from Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’. Through this they will learn to talk about what the weather is like, some Spanish geography, and the names of cities and significant landmarks.


In Autumn 1, Mr Haughton will be teaching Netball whilst class teachers will be focusing on Dance. In Autumn 2, Mr Haughton will be teaching Hockey whilst class teachers will be focusing on Dodgeball.

On a Tuesday afternoon, all year 6 children will have the opportunity to play rugby taught by Rosslyn Park Rugby Club.


In R.E, throughout the whole of the Autumn term, we will be examining what religion looks like in different parts of the world and how key factors such as geography, tradition, culture and migration all contribute to belief and experience.

Trips and Special Events

PGL – wc 07.10.24


PE kits to be worn every Tuesday and Thursday. Doodle should be completed each week, as well as Times Tables Rock Stars. Spelling tests are every Friday.