Allfarthing School

Year 4



The theme for the first half term is ‘Finding Freedom. We will start the term working with the text, ‘Tar Beach’, where we will write poetry, dialogue and culminate by writing a narrative in the form of a script.  We will then move onto ‘Varmints’, where we will explore descriptive comparisons, retellings and story descriptions before writing an explanation. After half term, our theme will be ‘Invention and Innovation’.  We will be working with the texts ‘FArTHER’ and ‘Until I met Dudley’, where we will explore retellings, recounts, diary entries and instructions. 

We will also have daily whole class reading, a weekly spelling test and taught handwriting and spelling sessions to support your child’s literary development.


In the autumn term, we will be using the NCETM scheme to help deliver our maths mastery curriculum. We will be reviewing column addition and column subtraction and using them in a range of real-life contexts.  We will learn to recognise the value of a digit within in a four-digit number. We will learn how to round to the closest 10, 100 and 1000 and how to order numbers from smallest to largest. We will then learn to add and subtract four-digit numbers and how to use the inverse equation to check work. After this, we will be learning about perimeter and calculating the perimeter of different regular and irregular shapes.  We will also be developing strategies to improve the recall of our 3, 6 and 9 times tables.


We will begin the term learning about Animals: Digestion and Food, where we will describe the function of key organs in the digestive system.  We will also identify types of human teeth and investigate factors that impact our dental health. 

After half term, we will move onto Energy: Electricity and Circuits. Here we will explore appliances that use electricity and safely build circuits.   


In Autumn 1, children will learn how to work collaboratively. They will begin by understanding how to contribute to someone else’s work effectively before thinking about how to create effective presentations and learning how to use a shared spreadsheet to explore data. In Autumn 2, we will complete a topic focused on coding. Children will learn the basics of programming in Scratch and will create a simple script, use decomposition and understand what variables are.


Autumn 1
This half term, we will be answering the question, ‘Why are rainforests important to us?’  We will  be developing an understanding of biomes, ecosystems and tropics; mapping features of the Amazon rainforest and learning about its layers; investigating how communities in Manaus use the Amazon’s resources; discussing the global human impact on the Amazon; and carrying out fieldwork to compare and contrast two types of forest.


Autumn 2
After half term, we will be answering the question, ‘How have children’s lives changed?’  We will be investigating the changes in children’s lives through time. Year 4 will learn how children’s spare time, health and work have changed. We will also explore the most crucial change – work – in more detail, learning about a day in the life of a working child and the significance of Lord Shaftesbury and his impact.

Art & Design

Autumn 1
We will be exploring drawing: power prints.  We will be using mechanical engravings as a starting point and will then develop an awareness of proportion, composition and pattern in drawing. We will combine media for effect when developing a drawing into a print.

Design & Technology

Autumn 2
Children will learn to produce a range of free-standing frame structures of different shapes and sizes. They will design a pavilion that is strong, stable and aesthetically pleasing; select appropriate materials and construction techniques to create a stable, free-standing frame structure; and select appropriate materials and techniques to add cladding to their pavilion.


We will begin by exploring Families and Relationships, where we will understand physical and emotional boundaries in friendship and how our behaviours affect others.  We will then discuss Health and Wellbeing.  Here we will develop emotional maturity and develop a growth mindset.


We shall be starting the vocal project this term, run by music specialists from Wandsworth Borough. This is a very exciting project where our children will have the opportunity to learn more about singing and performing and will culminate with a performance at Fairfield Halls in Croydon alongside other primary schools from across the borough. The children would benefit greatly from practicing the songs at home.  All of the materials can be found at


PE will be taught by both our specialist sports coaches and class teachers. We will begin with units focussing on Dance and Netball.  After half term, we will move onto our Tag Rugby and Ball skills units.

Year 4 will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays – if there is any change we will endeavour to let you know through class dojo as soon as we can.

Please make sure your child comes to school wearing appropriate PE kit for the weather on both days.


Year 4 will continue with fortnightly Spanish lessons building on what they studied last year. This will include writing the date in Spanish/birthdays (Cuando es tu cumpleaños?), talking and writing about how they feel, (Como te sientes hoy?) and learning the vocabulary around weather and seasons.  After half term, we will continue to learn numbers, about the Euro, and further expressions for likes and dislikes. 


In Autumn 1, children will answer the question ‘Are all religions equal?’ Children will explore the origins of religions as well as the geographical and historical links between religions. They will investigate Sikh and Baha’i beliefs and practices that reflect unity and equality. In Autumn 2, children will build on their enquiry about the place of scripture in Year 3. Children will look at different ways scriptures are used and what this shows about the value placed on them.

Trips and Special Events

W.C 25th September: Vocal Project (every Wednesday morning)

13th – 14th November: Parents Evening

10th or 11th December: Vocal Project concert

13th December: Year 3 & 4 Christmas performance


Encourage your child to spend some time each day reading (independently or with an adult) and completing activities on Doodle Maths. These activities should be at a suitable level for your child to complete independently, but please speak to a member of the Year 4 team if you are concerned that they are not at an appropriate level.   Children should be practicing on Times Tables Rockstars at least 4 times a week. 

Each week, we will complete a spelling test – the spellings have already been sent out so please continue to practice these with your child.