Year 4
The theme for the first half term is ‘Darkness and Light.’ We will start the term working with the text, 'The Selfish Giant' by Oscar Wilde, where our writing outcomes include; letter writing, first person recount, posters, reports and our own version narrative about kindness. We will then move onto the text, Winter’s Child by Angela McAllister & Grahame Baker-Smith, where we will explore themes and languages used within a story, making predictions and ending with writing a fantasy story sequel. After half term, our theme will be ‘Taking Courage’. We will be working with the texts ‘Odd and the Frost Giants’ and ‘The lion and the Unicorn, where we will explore retellings, recounts, diary entries and setting descriptions
We will also have daily whole class reading, a weekly spelling test and taught handwriting and spelling sessions to support your child’s literary development.
In the Spring term, we will be using the NCETM scheme to help deliver our maths mastery curriculum. We will be deepening our understanding and manipulating multiplicative relationships. Reviewing our existing knowledge of fractions that we have learnt so far in lower key stage 2 and exploring Time in all concepts. After this, we will be stretching our fractions knowledge and extending our understanding and ending the spring term with decimals. On top of our daily maths lessons we are also talking part in the NCETM’s Mastering Number Programme which provides children with repetitive practice of key number facts. As well as continuous practice of our times tables.
We will begin the term learning about Materials: states of matter, where we will identify solids, liquids and gases; describe the different stages of the water cycle and investigate how temperature affects the rate of evaporation. We will use our scientific skills to raise questions, draw conclusions, make predictions and record findings.
After half term, we will move onto Sound and vibrations. By the end of this unit we will be able to describe how sounds are made, explain the relationship between vibration strength and volume. Using our observing, research and presenting skills.
In Spring 1, Our unit of work is 'Creating Media: website designs'. The children will create a clear plan for their web pages and begin to create them, thinking about a professional look, useful information and a clear style which is easy to find information from. In Spring 2, we move onto Skills showcase HTML where we recognise the role of HTML in a web page and altering the HTML to change the text and images.
Geography - Spring 1
This half term, we will be answering the question, ‘Where does our food come from?’ We will identifying that different foods grow in different biomes and say why, explaining which food has the most significant negative impact on the environment and consider what changes we can make to reduce the negative impact of food production.
History - Spring 2
After half term, we will be answering the question, ‘How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?’ By the end of this unit we should be able to explain how Britons felt when the Romans left Britain, suggest reasons for the Anglo-Saxon invasions of Britain and explain the threat the Vikings posed to the Anglo-Saxons.
Art & Design
We will be exploring Painting and mixed media: Light and dark. The outcomes of this unit will help us to describe the difference between a tint and a shade, discuss real-life experiences of how colour can appear different with the aim of creating a final painting that shows an understanding of how colour can be used to show light and dark, and therefore show three dimensions.
Design & Technology
During D&T children will identify the features, benefits and disadvantages of a range of fastening types. Write design criteria and design a sleeve that satisfies the criteria. Make a template for their book sleeve and assemble their case using any stitch they are comfortable with.
We will start next term looking at Safety and the changing body. We start by looking at reasons for legal age restrictions, how information can quickly spread on the internet, moving onto the understanding that children go through changes to develop into adults and being aware of them.
Our Spring unit starts off by looking at the body of music and tuned percussion where we identify the structure of a piece of music, play a sequence in the correct order in time with their partner and think about contrasting two different melodies and playing them together.
PE will be taught by both our specialist sports coaches and class teachers. We will begin with units focussing on gymnastics and Fitness. After half term, we will move onto tennis and dodgeball. The Spring term is also when Year 4 start their swimming lessons. 4C will go the first half of term and 4G the second – more information regarding dates, kits, etc will be sent out in due course.
Our PE days are Thursday and Fridays for 4G. 4C will be swimming the first half term on Thursday afternoons – if there is any change we will endeavour to let you know through class dojo as soon as we can.
Please make sure your child comes to school wearing appropriate PE kit for the weather on both days.
Year 4 will continue with fortnightly Spanish lessons building on what they studied last year. This will include work on sounds and spellings. They will also continue with manipulating numbers and using some common adjectives. They will then move on to learn names for some sports and food and drinks associated with healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. We will revise the days of the week and learn to say what activities they do on particular days.
In RE this term, we will begin by exploring the question, ‘Just how important are our beliefs?’ before moving onto ‘Who was Jesus?’ In both units, the children will have the opportunity to ask questions and explore a range of beliefs, including their own.
Trips & Special Events
We will be visiting our in-school Forest School on Wednesday.
Swimming on Thursdays (4C the first half term, 4G will then swap and go after half term).
We will continue our chess learning on Tuesdays.
We are hoping to secure trips to support our Science learning ‘States of Matter’ and History ‘Anglo Saxons’ – we will let you know when these will happen.
Encourage your child to spend some time each day reading (independently or with an adult) and completing activities on Doodle Maths. These activities should be at a suitable level for your child to complete independently, but please speak to a member of the Year 4 team if you are concerned that they are not at an appropriate level. Children should be practicing on Times Tables Rockstars at least 4 times a week.
Each week, we will complete a spelling test – the spellings have already been sent out so please continue to practice these with your child.
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