Allfarthing School

Year 3



The texts this term will explore the themes of hope, disaster and healing. We will start with the text, ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’.  We will explore writing in role and informational reports. The main outcome will be for the children to create their own mythical/legendary story. After this, we will look at the text ‘The Last Garden’. The focus of the writing here will be on using dialogue and creating detailed setting descriptions.


In the Spring term, we will mainly be working on the formal (column method) of addition and subtraction. We will review the children’s understanding of place value before leading them into the column method. Initially, we will stick to calculations that do not require regrouping or exchanging across the columns. Following this, the concepts of regrouping and exchanging will be explored in depth. We will continue to focus on our understanding and consolidating our times tables, especially focusing on 2, 3, 4 and 8’s.


In Science this term, Year 3 will cover ‘Rocks and Soils’. We will start by describing the physical features of different types of rocks. We’ll group them by their absorbency, hardness and reaction to acid rain (vinegar). We will be describing fossil formation and identifying fossils in rocks. We will name, describe and compare some different categories of soil. Then, we’ll use our findings to choose the appropriate rock type for a specific use, suggest a better choice of rock for a specific use and to predict how a rock will be affected by the weather. When our topic changes to ‘Light and Shadow’, the children will build on their prior knowledge to learn about how light travels and how we are able to see things. Through scientific experimentation, we will explore reflection and how shadows behave.


In Computing, we will be focussing on emails. The children will first learn to log in and out of email and then send a simple email with a subject plus ‘To’ and ‘From’ in the body of the text. After practising the basics, we’ll move onto adding an attachment to an email. Throughout the lessons, we’ll talk about online safety, focussing on how to use positive language in emails, how to recognise unkind behaviour online and how to report it.


In the Spring term, we are answering the question, ‘Who lives in Antarctica?’. The intended learning outcomes from this question will be to (a) describe lines of latitude and longitude, giving examples, (b) understand that the Northern and Southern Hemispheres experience seasons at different times, (c) define climate Zones and (d) be able to describe Antarctica’s location on the globe. We are also going to explore Shackleton’s expedition and its outcomes. Finally, we will be listing the similarities and differences between life in the UK and Antarctica.


We will start history in the second half of next term. We will be answering the question, ‘Why did the Romans settle in Britain?’. Through answering this question, the children will be able to (a) explain the meaning of empire and invasion, (b) understand the chronology of the Roman invasion of Britain and identify the consequences of their invasion, (c) create an interpretation of Boudicca using sources, (d) explaining why the Romans needed a powerful army and (e) use observations about an artefact to back our conclusions.

Art & DT

We will start the Spring half term doing Art where our topic will be ‘Ancient Egyptian scrolls.’ We will learn to recognise and discuss the importance of Ancient Egyptian art by recording colours, patterns and shapes through observational drawing. We will create a selection of sketches that show idea exploration with the intent to produce a final design with a clear purpose.


We begin this term by looking at Health and Wellbeing, understanding that a healthy lifestyle includes physical activity, a balanced diet, and rest and relaxation; exploring identity through groups we belong to, and how our strengths can be used to help others; learning how to solve problems by breaking them down into achievable steps. We then move onto looking at Safety and The Changing Body. Learning about: cyberbullying and how to be good digital citizens; first aid, bites and stings and how to be safe near roads. Pupils also think about choices and influence


We will be continuing our instrumental lessons which will provide our music curriculum. 3D will continue learning to play the saxophone and 3R the clarinet. We look forward to showing you the progress we have made in our next music showcase!


There will be two sessions of PE per week. We start the term with Gymnastics and Year 3 Fundamentals which covers the skills of balancing, running, jumping, hopping and skipping. Pupils will develop their ability to change direction with balance and control. They will be given the opportunity to explore how the body moves at different speeds as well as how to accelerate and decelerate. Moving onto tennis and ball skills the second half of the Spring term.


Following on from our topic last half term, ‘Where do our morals come from?’, this term we start by looking at the question: ‘Is scripture central to religion?’. This will involve (a) reflecting on what revelation means to some people, (b) exploring the significance of some scriptures from the way they are treated and used by some people. After that, we will explore the question ‘What happens if we do wrong?’ by talking about personal views and then exploring what this means for different religious worldviews.


PE Days will continue to be on Monday and Wednesday.

Music lessons will continue so please remember to bring instruments in every Tuesday.