Allfarthing School

Year 2



 Our theme in Spring 1 is ‘Bravery vs Fear.’ We will continue reading ‘The Bear Under the Stairs’ by Helen Cooper as well as starting ‘The Minpins’ by Roald Dahl. We will use these texts to inspire a range of writing, including posters, setting and character descriptions, retellings and letters. In Spring 2, our theme changes to ‘Change and Relationships’. We will be reading ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’ by Edward Lear and Charlotte Voake and ‘Tadpole’s Promise’ by Jeanne Willis. These books will provide us with a focus for writing lists, instructions, interviews, letters, speech and thought.

During whole class reading and phonics, we will be developing comprehension and reading skills as well as working on the spelling and grammar curriculum for Year 2. 


This term the children will continue to focus on multiplication and become familiar of division structures including grouping, sharing and skip-counting in order to solve a range of problems.  We will also consolidate addition and subtraction structures, partitioning and crossing number boundaries efficiently.


Our science topic in the first half term is ‘the use of everyday materials’ where we will be examining the properties of different materials and identifying what makes it suitable for its purpose. In Spring 2 we move onto lifecycles and health.


We will be focusing on word processing skills in Spring 1, before moving onto block coding using Scratch Jr in Spring 2. On Scratch Jr, children will learn what blocks do and how to use them to explain existing code and to create their own code and algorithm.


We are studying Geography in Spring 1 this term, exploring why our world is wonderful. This topic delves into natural and man-made features in the local area, as well as around the globe. Children will learn how to interpret maps, complete fieldwork and present their findings in charts.


We will study History in Spring 2, exploring the question, ‘how did we learn to fly?’. We will learn how a significant event such as this has changed our lives, identify other important historical events involving flight, learn to ask questions about people and events in the past and then practise using primary sources to find answers.  We will be going to the RAF Museum on Friday 7th March – more information will come in due course.

Art & DT

In Art (Spring 1) we will be exploring colour. The children will develop their colour mixing skills, learn about the work of artist Romare Bearden and create textured papers using paint. Children will compose collages inspired by their exploration of colour and texture in the world around them.

In Spring 2, when we study DT, we will be focusing on cooking and preparing meals for a balanced diet. They will taste and prepare ingredients during the design process before creating culinary masterpieces! We are actually going to Pizza Express for a workshop this term in preparation for this - details to come out soon!


We will be focusing on the unit, Health and Wellbeing in Spring 1 before moving onto Safety and Changing Bodies In Spring 2. This includes lessons on internet safety, road safety, medicines, secrets vs surprises, private parts and personal boundaries. 


Our learning in Spring 1 will centre around melodies: playing a known melody in the correct order, playing a new melody in the correct order and then inventing their own melody and writing it down and playing it back.

After the half term, children will develop their knowledge and understanding of dynamics, timbre, tempo and instruments. They will learn to compose and play motifs all centring on the theme of space.


In Spring 1, sessions will focus on dance and gymnastics. These will happen on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. Please ensure your child wears appropriate kit.

In Spring 2, we will focus on sending and receiving skills and target games. Should PE days change once the timetable is confirmed, we will inform you on Dojo.


This term, children will be exploring how we know that some people are believed to have a special connection to God through looking for clues in religious stories across Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam. In Spring 2, we will examine the importance of prophets, and their roles, in the Muslim, Christian and Jewish worldviews. We will also explore how a guru might be similar to a prophet.


Children should keep all reading books in their bags at all times and please continue to read daily with them as it is invaluable to developing their spelling, comprehension and vocabulary skills. All children should be aiming to stay in the Green Zone on Doodle maths.