Year 1
In Spring 1, we will explore our theme ‘Similarities and Differences’ through the books Beegu by Alexis Deacon, The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett and Leo and the Octopus by Isabelle Marinov. We will continue to work on constructing and writing clear, simple sentences that use capital letters and full stops. We will also build on our writing in Autumn 1 to use words in our writing that include the ‘un-‘ prefix and ‘-ing’, ‘-er’, ‘-ed’ and ‘-est’ suffixes to improve the quality and range of our vocabulary when writing. Our theme in Spring 2, ‘Nature and the Environment’, will be explored through the texts Stanley’s Stick by John Hegley, Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish by Michael Foreman and Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. We will be able to use our more advanced phonic knowledge to spell words with increased confidence in our writing. We will also be able to join together events to write retellings of stories. We will increase our vocabulary and the length of the words we write with the suffixes ‘–ment’, ‘–ness’, ‘–ful’, ‘–less’, ‘–ly’.
We will be continuing the Little Wandle phonics scheme with daily phonics sessions and small group guided reading sessions three times a week. In addition to this, we will be practising the spelling of words in short spelling sessions which link to the termly spelling lists. Please see our website for any additional phonics support and guidance.
Throughout the Spring term, our focus will be the structure and patterns of numbers that can facilitate the solving of more complex number problems. In Spring 1 we will begin by learning how to recognise, compose, decompose and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes. We will then move on to focus on numbers from 0-10 looking at additive structures. The children will be working in depth to fully understand what the digits from 0-10 represent and how they can be used to solve different mathematical problems. This involves using part whole models to identify how numbers are made up of different ‘parts’ that come together to form the ‘whole’. In Spring 2, we will expand the in depth focus onto numbers 0-20 and then move onto applying the number skill to addition and subtraction problems. The children will use the knowledge around number that they have built up over the term in order to solve subtraction and addition problems, including word problems, in a variety of ways with and then without the scaffold support of manipulatives.
Our topic for the Spring term is Animals. In Spring 1 we will focus on learning about different body parts and the five senses that humans use to explore and learn about the world. We will explore what they are, why they are important and how each one helps us each day. We will also discuss how the senses work and which body parts are required for each one. In Spring 2 we will then look at comparing animals based on different features, habitats and characteristics. We will also look at animal diets and use key terminology to group animals using venn diagrams. Both topics will give the children opportunities to collect and discuss data and in Spring 2 we will have some very fluffy visitors! We will have duckling eggs for 2 weeks where we will keep a duck diary and record the process of them hatching, how to look after them and what they get up to daily in our classroom.
Our topics for Spring 1 computing is Algorithms unplugged. We will be largely focusing on instructions and how to use them as well as how to give them clearly. The children will have opportunities to follow an algorithm, write an algorithm and explore the difference between an input and an output. This will then feed into our Spring 2 topic, rocket to the moon. This will be a sequence of learning that builds on the skills from the previous half term allowing children to design, build and programme instructions in order to send a rocket to the moon.
In Geography, we will be exploring ‘What is the weather like in the UK?’. We will be learning various geographical skills, such as how to use an atlas, a compass, and various equipment that measures weather conditions. With these, we will learn about the geographical make-up of the UK. We will be applying these key skills to map reading and orientation while deepening our understanding of weather patterns across the UK.
In History, we will be learning to make comparisons between different periods of history by looking at how toys have changed over the years. This will involve various historical skills including questioning, sorting, identifying and making inferences from evidence. We will look at how toys have changed since our grandparents’ time, allowing us to consider more broadly what life was like in different ages resulting in a toy museum to show our findings.
Art in Spring 1 will be all about colour. We will be looking at the primary colours and how they can be blended to make secondary colours. We’ll use this knowledge to make our own artworks based off the works of Jasper Johns and Clarice Cliff. We will develop our control of different tools and improve our choice of tools to produce different effects. In DT, we will be designing and constructing a windmill. Our key outcomes will be to follow design criteria to meet the needs of a user, make a stable structure, make functioning sails/blades that attach to the supporting structure and have the confidence to improve their windmill.
In Spring 1 we will be looking at safety and the changing body. Children well be know who and what adults they can speak to about a worry or if they ever feel uncomfortable. We will talk about the importance of knowing steps to do if they ever are lost as well as the necessary numbers for the emergency services. We will also look at the types of physical contact which are never acceptable and when they should check with an adult. Finally we will learn the different jobs that adults do to keep people safe. In Spring 2 we wll move onto Citizenship where will discuss why rules are important, recognise needs that different people or pets may have depending on age or environment. We will identify similarities and differences between ourselves and others and what is fair or unfair treatment of individuals and animals.
In Spring 1 out topic is What is God’s job? We will explore the role that God or multiple God’s take on in a variety of religions. We will learn to compare and discuss different people’s ideas and beliefs and uphold the importance of respect and acceptance towards all. Children will be able to be curious and question beliefs whilst remaining respectful and they will be able to recognise why God may be an important figure to many. In Spring 2 we will be looking at why we should care for our world. We will look at different religious viewpoints on our world and beauty as well as our own personal beliefs and experiences in our world that encourage us to take care over it. We will also discuss and create different ways in which we can do our part in caring for our world and environment.
In Spring 1, we will be exploring vocal and body sounds through the theme ‘By the Sea’. We will learn to recognise basic tempo, dynamic and pitch changes while creating our own simple scores to help us perform our own piece of music. In Spring 2, we will be exploring tempo more deeply through a tale about a snail and a mouse. By the end of this unit, we will be able to sing some songs from memory, using our voices expressively to speak and chant. We will learn about how to make improvements to our work based on feedback from the teacher.
Trips and Special Events
28th February – Science Museum trip
13th March – Toy workshop
17th March – duckling eggs will arrive for year 1. These will be with us for two weeks whilst they hatch and we study the growth of the ducklings.
Please send your child in with their coat, book bag, reading pack and water bottle every day. Please ensure everything is named.
Please record any reading you do with them at home in their reading record.
Please continue to engage with Dojo.
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