Allfarthing School

Year 5



 Each half term will have 2 main English texts which will be explored during lesson time. They will be used as a basis for various writing opportunities and skill development. Autumn 1 theme is ‘Ambition and Desire’ and Autumn 2 will be ‘Power vs Principles’.

These themes will also link to our Whole Class Reading texts as well as the Spelling list so the children will benefit from learning, connecting and applying skills around an exploratory theme. Handwriting sessions will also occur weekly.


We use NCETM resources to help deliver our maths mastery curriculum.  We will mainly be focusing on decimal fractions, focusing on deepening place value knowledge, both in terms of parts of wholes represented as fractions and decimal numbers, tenths and hundredths. This will have a theme of measurement and some geometry incorporated throughout so that these concepts are taught in context. We will also do work with money, negative numbers as well as honing our skills in short multiplication and division, completing arithmetic-style calculations, as well as reasoning and problem-solving in real-life contexts.  

Whilst we still do work in school to teach times tables, it will only be of real benefit if the children also spend 10 minutes a day at home reciting and rehearsing them - It is a fundamental part of maths.


We will begin our first Science unit of the year by exploring ‘Mixtures and Separation’ by investigating different kinds of mixtures and the variety of ways we can separate their contents.

During Autumn 2, we will build on our understanding by looking at ‘properties and change’ where the focus will be on changes in materials and how and why some processes are reversible and others are not.


This Autumn term in computing we will be looking at the units ‘search engines’ and ‘programming with scratch’ which covers the information technology and computer science strands for the curriculum. Children will become with all aspects of computing to help mould them to be strong digital citizens who have a deepened knowledge of coding, design, to write and debug programs as well as understanding computer networks, including the internet and how they can be used wholly.

Geography / History

 Our question in Geography is ‘What is life like in the Alps?’ We will explore this geographical region and compare, and contrast to our locality.

The History focus in Autumn 2 will be ‘What was life like in Tudor England?’ This will be an excellent opportunity for a deeper understanding and consolidation of work started in Year 4.


We start our work in Art by observing and evaluating examples on Installation Art which will inform the basis of our own creations during the half term.

Our design and Technology unit in Autumn 2 will be based on a construction using electrical motors to enhance the overall design.


Class-based lessons will begin with the children learning ‘composition notation’ with an Ancient Egyptian theme, which is where children will be able to develop their technical proficiency when using their voices and instruments to create and control sound. Following this, we will then begin looking at the ‘blues’ to be able to recognise and discuss the stylistic features of different genres, styles and traditions of music using musical vocabulary.


Our two areas of focus this term will be ‘families and relationships’ when we examine different kinds of families and friendship levels followed by ‘Health and Wellbeing’ when we learn about goal setting and strategies to maintain physical and mental health.


Year 5 will continue with fortnightly Spanish lessons building on what they studied in previous years. The focus to start the year will be: ‘Vamos al colegio’ (On the way to school) where they describe their route to school. In Autumn 2, they will move onto talking about ‘Nuestro colegio’ (Our school).


Class teachers and our sports coach will teach PE for this term. The focus for the first half term will be Yoga for 5C and swimming 5B and after the half term this will swap around to ensure all children are able to sharpen their water skills building upon previous years and improve their cardio and circulatory health improved athletic performance.


In RE, our faith studies will be centred around Christianity, Islam and Sikhism in the units ‘Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in?’ and ‘Why doesn’t Christianity always look the same?’ for children consider the similarities and differences between religious and non-religious worldviews and interview their peers.

Trips and Special Events

Trips will be arranged later on in the term and communicated via Classdojo


Please make sure your child comes into school in their PE kit each week.

This half term, P.E will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Doodle Maths and Times Table Rock stars should be a daily activity at home as well as reading for 20 minutes at least once a week and recording this in your diary.