Year 5
We are exploring two main texts this term linked to the theme ‘Belonging and Acceptance’.
Both are vocabulary rich, challenging texts that offer many opportunities for discussion, writing and drama exercises. In whole class reading, we will be focussing on a modern story to reflect the diversity in our school community.
In the Spring term, we will begin by looking at area, perimeter and scaling. Then we will move on to a detailed look at decimal fractions – multiplying and dividing fractions as well as multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10,100 and 1,000.
In the second part of the term, we will learn about multiples, factors and primes before concluding Spring term with work on statistics.
This term, we will start by looking at ‘Earth and Space’ . We will be learning in detail about the Sun, Moon and Earth as one of the planets and about space exploration. We will then move on to a unit called ‘Life Cycles and Reproduction' when we will look at different kinds of plant and animal creation. Both these units will involve a variety of investigations to further our learning through prediction, observation and conclusions based on evidence.
We will begin the term by learning about data handling and programming. Then, in Spring 2, using ‘Scratch’ software we will be creating animated stories.
In both units, there will be practice sessions of typing and revision of word processing skills.
Geography & History
Spring 1 will be our Geography focus when we will be asking the question ‘Do oceans matter?’ We will be identifying and exploring the main oceans of the world and the importance of their role and preservation in our daily lives. Returning to History in Spring 2, we will be looking at the influence of the Tudor dynasty and ‘What was life like in Tudor England?’.
Art & DT
This term our topic is ‘I need space’. We will be inspired by the solar system to create works using printing and collage and learn about how different artists have interpreted the idea of space in their compositions.
In DT, we will explore mechanical features by creating our own pop-up books.
We will take part in the Brighter Sounds Singing Project through Wandsworth Music Service across the Spring term. Further details and resources will be sent through to parents in January.
In Spring, we will begin with our sex and relationship (RSE) unit – ‘Safety and the changing body’.
We will then continue on to ‘Citizenship’ when we look at the law and being a member of our community.
This term, the children will learn names of food and drink and how to order in a café or restaurant. The children will then ‘create’ a café using Spanish vocabulary for food and drink.
In Spring 1, Mr Haughton will be teaching gymnastics on Thursday afternoons whilst coaches from Rosslyn Park Rugby Club will be teaching rugby on Tuesday afternoons. In Spring 2, Mr Haughton will be teaching cricket whilst class teachers will be focusing on basketball.
In our work on religion and world views, we will be considering the question ‘What happens when we die?’ we will look at different kinds of belief in the process of death and afterlife and examine the different procedures communities adhere to during this occurrence.
Trips and Special Events
A Brighter Sound Concert at the Royal Albert Hall, South Kensington (Vocal Project).
As always, you will be informed of any other trips that are booked in due course.
Doodle Maths and TTRS should be completed every evening.
Spellings – please ensure your child practises each week for the Friday tests.
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