Personal, Social and Emotional
We will introduce our ‘Class Shared Agreement’ to our new friends and we will be discussing our behaviour expectations to have a safe and happy classroom. The children will extend and elaborate play ideas. We will also talk about our feelings and emotions (zones of regulation) and begin to find solutions to conflicts and problems. We will encourage children to be more independent in their self-care and clothing, for example, putting coats on and doing up zips.
Communication and Language
This term, we will sing many rhymes, such as ‘Dear Zoo’, ‘Five Little Man’ and ‘One Potato, Two Potatoes’. We will talk about familiar stories, characters and their actions which will give us the opportunity to express our views on them. We will have lots of conversations about our main topics of ‘Around the World’ and ‘Winter’. Understanding ‘why’ questions will be our focus towards the end of the term.
Physical Development
We will continue to develop our gross and fine motor skills with ‘movement cards’, cutting and introducing special bags that you can take home. Using a comfortable pencil grip with good control will help children make marks and pre-writing shapes. During our forest school sessions we will choose the right resources to carry out plans, such as using a spade to enlarge a hole.
Ducklings will be exploring the story of ‘Baby Goes to Market’, ‘Dear Zoo’, ‘One Snowy Night’ and ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. After half term, we will be finding out about growing and spring. This term, in phonics, the children will carry on with general sound discrimination and play fun games such as counting and clapping syllables in words. Playing the popular ‘Silly Soup’ game will help us spot and suggest rhymes.
Around the setting, we will give opportunity to children attempt to form some letters.
We will be learning to recite numbers past 5 and when counting say one number for each item in order. This term, we will be comparing quantities, weight and length whilst using mathematical language to describe objects and pattern. We will be going on a 2D shape hunt and explore their properties.
Understanding of the World
We will encourage children to explore how things work and show interest in different occupations. In our garden, we will be planting seeds and caring for them. Children will explore the life cycles of plants and butterflies.
Expressive Art and Design
Children will have many opportunities to explore colours and mix them. The junk modelling area will help develop their skills to decide which materials to use to express their own ideas. With music, we will sing the pitch of a tone sung by another person and we will try to match the pitch.
We will be learning about Chinese New Year, Holi and Easter.
Please remember to label all uniform items. Check the weekly update on Class Dojo for important notices, to find out what we have been learning in class and what we will be learning the following week.
Wandsworth Library – Sing-Along and Story Time – 28th February
Deen City Farm - Friday 28th of March
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