Allfarthing School



Personal, Social and Emotional

We will be learning how to share, follow the class shared agreement and how to be a good friend. We will be discussing our behaviour expectations that include being kind, safe and going above and beyond. We will teach the children our routines and how to use the different learning areas in the classroom. We will also learn about feelings and emotions (zones of regulation) and discuss what we can do when we feel in a certain way.

Communication and Language

 This term we will learn to listen to others in small groups and during carpet time.  We will develop our listening and attention skills in a variety of learning experiences and fun games for example ‘duck, duck, goose’ or ‘bug in the rug’.  We will also be using props to sing nursery rhymes and retell familiar stories.

Physical Development

For fine motor skills we will be focussing on strengthening muscles in hands and fingers through various activities like using tweezers to pick up small objects and threading. We will develop gross motors skills by using our fitness station where we will be focussing on moving in different ways (hopping, skipping, jumping etc.)


‘Marvellous Me!’ will be our very first topic in Nursery and we will be exploring the story of ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘Owl Babies’ and ‘Happy Birthday Maisy’. After half term, we will be finding out about Celebrations like, Diwali, Christmas and Birthdays. This term we introduce Phase 1 of the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme. We will develop children’s listening skills and awareness of sounds in the environment.


We will be learning to recognise 3 objects fast without having to count them. We will also practice to show ‘finger numbers’ up to 5 through games like ‘show me…(number of) fingers’ and number matching games.

We will learn to recognise and select simple shapes appropriately e.g. triangle for a roof.

We organise the environment to foster shape matching, e.g. shadows (shape) of different bricks on shelf to show where they are kept.

Understanding of the World

We will encourage children to use their senses to explore natural materials and find out about how these materials can be similar or different. We will also support children to talk about what they can see using a wide range of vocabulary.

We will also talk about our families and try to make sense of our own life-long story and family history.

Expressive Art and Design

Children will have many opportunities to explore different materials freely, in order to develop their own ideas about how to use them and what to make. They will also be encouraged to join in with role play and use objects to pretend they are representing something else.


We will be learning about Christianity and Diwali.


Please log into your child’s Class Dojo account. This app supports your child’s behaviour and communication with our families to the school. This will replace class emails, streamlining the communication links between home and school life. Check the messages and stories for important notices, to find out what we have been learning and what events will be coming up.  If you have any questions - just ask! 

Please remember to label all uniform items.